You little F..., I got money stacks bigger than you

I was on the empty back seat of a taxi over the weekend, listening to the BBC on the phone radio because all the other stations suck. Outside, a young boy was was being dropped off at the stage by his mommy.
He was around nine years old. Clearly one of those kids who grow up to be the sort of person who attends LC 1 meetings. He was dressed in Sunday best: a cream shirt ironed to within an inch of its life, trousers that stopped above the ankles exposing the school socks beneath, and some battered-ass shoes. The whole ensemble was the sort that makes you admire the kid for making the effort if for nothing else.

He had a cob of roasted maize in his hand.

Mommy dropped him off, and he climbed into the taxi, ending up next to me.

He didn’t sit at the other window, he sat right next to me, which was perplexing. I still remember the time I was caught in a taxi from Entebbe with these women who were swankling groundnuts. That means chewing with their mouths open. And talking. It was disgusting. They had peanut-breath. I didn’t want to go through that again.

I cast a glance at the kid, hoping to see him put his maize cob in, I don’t know, his pocket or something. No, he was preparing to dig in.
When he saw me look at him, he— you will now think I am lying, but I swear, even though I tell many lies on this blog, this time it is the truth— the bastard offered me some of his maize.

What the shit! Did this runnynosed rugrat runt think I was "eyeing" his mangy decrepit maize cob? Did he imagine that I was aching inside for a bite of it? That my heart was burning within my chest, that my soul was screaming, that any similar internal disquiet was taking place, and that he needed to assuage this discomfort by offering me a …. What the shit?!

Did this impudent little skidmark really think I could not buy my own personal maize if I felt that there was need?

I wanted to grab a fifty thou from my pocket and slap him in the face with it while snapping, “Look, Lil Bow Wow, I can throw you out of this taxi with just one hand, and then give you return cab fare with the other. You better recognize and act like you know and other phrases that were popular before you were even born! And moreover (extremely offensive and snobbish comment removed by author on second thought)”
I mean, this kid didn’t know my pedigree?

He probably didn’t mean it as an insult, but still, fuck him.


Saadiq said…
eiiii but baz....didnt the kid have a hankerchief strapped to the front of his shirt!!! pretty sure if it wasnt strapped he must have been holding a mucus filled hanky in the same hand as the maize...
Savage said…
Banange baz, you're cussing out a kid? That makes you almost as heartless as the Esquire editors who named a 12-month baby as the worst dressed man in the world.
Kenyanchick said…
I love it. Was he ugly too? It's bad enough being a little snot-nosed, maize sharing midget.
lissingmink said…
ooooh... was it because he was black? you bigot!..hehehehehe

you really are hilarious-
Anonymous said…
yi naye baz. the kid was 9 - his mum probably reads him your column. now he'll be scarred for life.
Anonymous said…
Naye Baz, the kid didn't mean any harm! His mama raised him well-to share his food with his neighbors!Don't hate him coz he's poor! Besides, if u're so rich, please tell me why u were riding in a kamunye (instead of ur own "wheelz") in the first place!!!
Anonymous said…
Naye Baz, the kid didn't mean any harm. His mama raised him well-to share his food with his neighbors! Don't hate him coz he's poor. Besides, if you're so rich, please tell me why u were riding in a kamunye in the first place, instead of ur own "wheelz".
Savage said…
@ anonymous-Ever heard of the word HUMILITY?

I recently read and article in the Wall street journal about how Rachel McAdams is one of the most sought after actresses but she is too busy turning down roles leaving $5M on the table each time.This is just making producers more fascinated with her. Once she flew to Los Angeles for a meeting and after which she headed to a bus stop to take a public bus to her hotel.
And the girl won't even leave her Native Toronto.

And before I forget,I have always thought that commenting anonymously is for pussies.
Anonymous said…
Savage, I don't have a blog coz I have nothing to say/write (only time I have something to say is when responding to something/someone); so I always leave my comments anonymously.
Anonymous said…
Somehow, I get the feeling it's not about humility with Baz. He rides in a kamunye coz that's all he can afford! Even a special hire would be out of his league!
Darlkom said…
This kid is nice and sweet and kind, you, on the other hand, are everything that is wrong with the world.
Baz said…
I know the kid was just trying to be nice, and I was being a petty asshole, but things are just more fun that way.
Baz said…
But why am I being as if apologetic? The guy's actions essentially said, "Ssebo, you look like the kind of loser who goes around ogling children's snacks instead of buying your own."

Jay said…
Hope you didnt say to make the kid cry, you mean f"**.

Anonymous, you can get a blogger profile without having a blog. I am with Savage anonymous commenting is for pussies.
Jadekitten said…
He was 9 years old for bloody heaven's sake. You know, the age before you became the unkind, cynical, epithet-haulin skunk that you are now.

As for your splutter...splutter.....'pedigree'?LOL times 100!
Anonymous said…
Baz, ditto on the peanut breath. That kid was just plain ill mannered and badly brought up. Good mamas should slap you upside the head when you try to eat in public! Now THAT is what is wrong with the world: Mamas teaching their little boys that it's okay to eat on public transport and consort with strange-looking weird men in taxis.
am with mangalita. u r one strange guy and innocent kind kids like him should stay the heck away from you. besides, if he was 'swankling' he really must be one innocent chap.

ROFLOL @ swankling.

All you bozos hitting the anon person chill out. You've all done it before and your ideas were not any lighter.
Anonymous said…
why did he bother paying for the seat? he should have sat on the kameme and when asked whoz he with... first he places the kasoli he was offering you next to the mucus hankie in the left and points at you with his right like THIEF..baz is my daddy, or uncle sounds better.
Anonymous said…
Bambi, to all u suckers attacking me, as long as Baz continues to allow anonymous comments, then I ain't changing a damn thing! If you don't like it, you can kiss my big, black ass!! At least now u know I'm black. Anti curiousity yebatta to know who I am!
The 0ne said…
@anon. You're the kid aren't ya...which is like why you don't want your identity to be revealed,no wait, I kid...seriously that you said no, the kid will try harder to impress you..shit, kid may start moving around with a lunch box hoping to meet you and make up for the maize..Grasshoppers and fish for the gentleman that hated my MAIZE
bikozulu said…
LOL! It's 7.23am, and I have laughed myself silly at this. Baz,that kid is a winner,he got a heart bigger than life.You on the other hand has been a prick about it, but you somehow make up for that by being very hilarious and preposterous.That is the best post I've read in a while.
i think the issue is not that someone was offered something but that that something was a corn cob.
i could name a few things that would have been gladly taken from a sweet little nine yr old.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous, don't let this stuff get under your skin. I am sure Deg and Sav don't mean any offense. What they meant to say was: it helps them conceptualise an identity if there is a name to latch on. And Deg just wants to know if you are a babe so he can ask you out.

(Degstar, you see how I can store beef?)

But seriously, most people posting and blogging are anonymous anyway. Very few of us use our real names.

(Especially those who don't want to sell copies of their springsteen CDs but that's neither here nor there.)

Sometimes I also comment under another name.
However, just to avoid confusion in case anyone else posts anon, use the "other" option and then make up a name.

Anyway. I am going to buy a Corolla next weekend. You will see me.
Quillonpaper said…
A lot and enough's been said already about this. But again I'd just like to mention Baz, language, language, language. For all heaven, a lil' kid!! Actually to counter your your pre- and misjudgement of the kid's great persona, it's of stuff like that (the kid) that we get big-hearted people like Idi Amin (of course minus the nasty bits), Moses Ali, you know the whole lot of 'em big hearted folk.
lissingmink said…
@ anon... get the blog; stop the parasiting
Baz said…
Nah, Zack, I did not actually yell at the kid. I thought about it but I didn't actually do it, people because I am A REALLY SWEET GUY, Y'KNOW.

Also I was probably afraid of him.

And you're correct, the headline IS from a Jay-Z song. Congratulations
Anonymous said…
how sure are we baz didn't do the same when he was the same age