Kony lets me use cusswords

I don’t cuss as much as I used to. I have this debilitatingly old-fashioned sense of manners—not in front of a lady. And now I have a desk job and there are ladies everywhere.
I don’t cuss as much as I used to when I was still a field reporter hanging out with those bayaye in the industry, but I still do speak French. Not as much as back then, but still quite prolifically.

I mean, I know it is immoral to cuss, but I will flaunt. Because, you see, the prohibition against cussing is one of those arbitrary ones that cannot be justified rationally—ultimately, cussing is wrong because whoever decides these things had a whim. It’s not immoral in the way murder, or theft are immoral; it is not immoral like say, advocating injustice or urging that the man responsible for hundreds of deaths not be punished, even though he isn’t remorseful and is only offering to stop because he wants us to stop trying to stop him.

Yes: supporting the LRA peace talks is immoral.

The moral thing to do will be to demand justice at whatever cost. No matter how painful it is, the moral man does not countenance injustice, let alone encourage it.

When our moral leaders lend their support to the peace talks process, they are behaving like their rivals, the pragmatists. By saying it is okay to let killers go unpunished if that is what it takes to secure the lives of their would-be future victims we are saying it is okay to compromise on morals to enjoy practical benefit.

Don’t get me wrong. I believe that it is. We have failed to bring Kony to justice, so let injustice reign, as long as the killing stops.

Morals should be subject to practical considerations.

Dirty language is immoral language, but it is rich language. Four letter words provide tone, pace, colour and most importantly, meaning, in a way other words can’t.

So I shall violate the moral tenets that forbid four letter words and enjoy the benefits. I know it’s wrong but fuck that.


Savage said…
yes, fuck that shit.
bikozulu said…
How the fuck did Ugandan's let that dick head, with a fuck-face Kony work them into that ball squeezing corner? Fuck man!!!
Saadiq said…
yes i totally agree with Baz,I think Kony should face justice rather than our leaders trying to let him off the hook,it's just not fair..well fuck me for taking the moral high ground!!!
Minty said…
Well, considering there's only one 'f' word in your post -this at the end, and more tumbling out of the heads of these here commentators, I'll say no more.

I'm still smarting from the frus' that Kony may get off with no punsihment, plus a lollipop thrown in. grrrr!
Minty said…
Baz, Nick Hornby's 'A long Way Down'. That what you been reading?

PS: I know how to spell 'punishment'
don't you just hate it when guys like that go scot free? Pinochet, Baby Doc et al y'know. but then, Kony'll never have a night of peace if he gets out of that bush. He's a marked man once he's out of that environ. like that crazy guy with a killer car in Highway Men.
'Four letter words provide tone, pace, colour and most importantly, meaning, in a way other words can’t.'
my sentiments exactly!
Anonymous said…
Ha! That ich a bans of chit! I'm innochent and the chooner you chuckerch acknowledge that, the better...Chianara!
Jay said…
I've always found cussing and use of expletives to be quite liberating and honest.

Its hard for me to keep the cusser Jay away from blogger Jay (jekyll and hyde sort of thing) coz I do swear and cuss alot in my spoken conversations.
Baz said…
@Savage, Biko and Joshi, that's the spirit.
@Minty, yes, only one four-letter word. Because if you overuse the spices, you are not feeding people food, you are feeding people spices.

@Kony, lofl. But LA has sworn to become an vigilante and fetch you.

@Jay and Scotchbiscuits, my absolute peoples.

@ Deg, I don't drink. Proof of this is I didn't even know they had changed the packaging on UG.
ish said…
funny, i never think of cussing as "morally wrong." i mean, everyone does it. everyone doesn't murder tho. and its not like lying where u're directly affecting the course of other's lives. it's jst words. words that exist cuz ppl gots to express themselves. i also find it impossible to believe that kony's gonna go unpunished. i'v got faith...

btw, who says u can't feed ppl spices?? tell that to our cook! she'd probably laugh and throw in more cinnamon bark and corriander seed!
Cheri said…
is bollocks a cuss word? i use it alot alot, and some peeps are so offended. I used to use the word Wambwa alot in office till i found out twas my boss' father's name.... I froze!
lissingmink said…
yeah....fuck it! fuck it! fuck it!
now that we have done the swearing... eeeeh?... well fuck this shit!
Baz said…
Cherie, bollocks, pillock, plonker, poof, slag, nob, and, most people don't realise this, bugger are foul foul British words.

And morality isn't a matter of consensus, Inky Ink. It is basically how old men think we should behave. The famous Larkin comment