They have croaked

The poisoned corn worked. Don't let it ever be said that lawyers are never useful. Not only did the roosters die awful, drawn-out, painful deaths, with each hour more excruciating than the last, but I got a clever idea.

I am not going to poison, young Sidney, of course not.

But I am going to put a liberal dose of laxatives in his coffee. The more time he spends in the toilet, the less time he spends bothering me.

I am the genius I always suspected myself to be.


Carlo said…
LOL about the laxatives! why don't we get more ingenius plans like that more often? by the way, if they're so clever, why are they called 'ingenius'. does that mean they're actually the opposite of genius?
Baz said…
...wait a minute. Now that you mention it, why do they do that? It's like infamous.

And intelligent.

You know?

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