Own up. I know it's you

I had just got back into town from the Boondocks, and thought I should check my mail. So I turned into one of those Internet cafes which stick bible verses on the computers (to discourage porn-surfers I am told).

The verse on this one has been vandalised. It begins: "Blessed is the man who doesn't walk in the cousel of the wicked..." The rest has been replaced with "but only buys drugs from them."

Who would do such a thing?


Savage said…
Help me out here. I need to get with the program.Just got back into town from the Boondocks?Which place is this?Where do I find it? Might be worth a visit.
bikozulu said…
lol...I know him, he writes cheeky signs in River road, Nairobi.I have constantly talked to him about that but he insists that im free to walk out on the partnership coz its not binding anyway!...
Baz said…
I knew it! I'm going to go back to that cafe and sign "bikozulu" under the grafitti.

@Savage, the boondocks are kyaalo. I'm from Nakiwogo in Entebbe. I sometimes see those of the Jays and Undo launching off on the way to Ssesse
Jay said…
Boondocks, my backside. Its always amused me how people call places that are less than 50 kms from kla villages. ai knoe its where the Baz 1 must have sttled but silly little only feels that I have hit villa after 300 kms in the
direction of Mbarara, Kabale or bushenyi.
Jay said…
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Jane said…
I'll build a bridge, the rivers will come later. Lol, Boondocks 4 Nakiwogo landing site? Priceless.
bikozulu said…
@jkb. Allow me to welcome you since our erstwhile host, Baz, is busy doin a thesis on cyber grafitti-It will take a while.Im sure u have already been made aware of our Ughs 100k sorority fee.Im the treasurer, of course degstar still has qualms with that-sore grapes.To facilitate your quick acceptance to this cool intelligent* group, please email me your personal details(read phone no) to bachelor_2007@hotmail.com, so that we can meet over coffee coz Im not a dinner person..unless you insist. Welcome.
bikozulu said…
@jkb er...don't forget the Ugsh 100k
Anonymous said…
I could swear that verse wasn't vandalised. my bible says exactly the same thing!!
Carlo said…
how come i've been in this "intelligent community" for a while and i've never been hit on? i demand my Ugsh 100k back right this instant bizokulu!!
bikozulu said…
@Carlo. Now calm down gal...and er,put down the knife please.Everyone will get her turn, there's enough to go around.But until you learn to spell my name right i will sit on your Ugsh 100k!
Savage said…
@bikozulu- Dude we are so interested in commenting on your blog.Quit pulling a fast one on us. Commenting is the new blogging.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, YEAH!! I'm so glad I found your blog! I'm a Kenyan who has been reading your columns online in the Sunday Vision for longer than I care to admit (I've been cyberstalking, I mean FOLLOWING your career for a while.) Love the way you write. I'm bookmarking it now. Write on!
Baz said…
bikozulu you are such a Ugandan!
Baz said…
And anonymous, welcome to Uganda. Some of our chicks are prettier than some of yours. So goes the argument at Steak Out.

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