There is a man in Kampala who owns a Hummer H2. Nothing personal against him, but fuck that shit!

There is something just so eye-rollingly, spine-twistingly, brain-curdlingly, and in the case of some people, most of whom once did or still do reside in Lumumba, underwear-soilingly wrong about spending that sort of money in the middle of the third world. It isn’t just tacky and in very poor taste, it is downright immoral.
I mean, luxury is one thing, and it’s okay to enjoy your life if you can afford it, but for crying out loud it is a fucking HUMMER in UGANDA. Do you have any idea what sort of poverty exists in this country? And you you just want to buy a hummer? They don’t make Benzes big enough to compensate for what you’ve got? This is proof that ostentation is going too far. Hummer H2s and Ray-Bans. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, the blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned...

But that’s not the point.

The point is, as an avid anti-materialist who recently converted to yuppiedom, I have issues. The transition has not been smooth. Leather shoes with pointy ends are not as comfortable as well-beaten Reebocks, khaki pants are not as cosy as jeans, ties get into your gravy when you are eating, and visiting a barber every week is more of a hassle than it sounds. Because sometimes the barber wants to reach a particularly hard-to-access corner of the cranium, and you end up with your nose in his armpit.

The reason I sold out was, what else? I needed the money. And a wise man told me that, while the corporate world is slow to respond to manifest intelligence, a necktie will bring it to its knees. It sounds absurd but it is true. This guy had been tossing me around for a while over some freelance ass-kicking I had done for his company but when I walked into his office the other day and he saw my tie, it was like I had put a gun to his head. That is why I am so wealthy right now. A tie.

And Gillette sports roll-on (Cool Wave).

However, there is only so far a man can go. I am still, at heart, the loveable rogue, the rough-and-tumble ragamuffin, the cheeky rascal, the naughty rapscallion with the glint in his eye, the blackhearted fiend and the personification of evil that you know your boy to be. Even though I do look like Agent Smith from the Matrix.

Yes, with the shades. Not just the tie and coat and dress shoes, but the shades. I am a boy of contact lenses now, so I have to wear shades, Doctor’s orders. You know, in case I need to interact with the public. The public is very dirty and is always covered in dust.

I almost didn’t get the sunglasses. When the woman in the shop told me how much a pair of designer shades cost I was seized with righteous indignation. A flame of pious anger sprung up in my very soul, my very soul, people, and the only things that stopped me from immediately razing the entire shop to the ground in a whirl of my wrath and fury as a punishment for having the audacity to even mention those numbers to me were that I didn’t want to embarrass the person I was with, it wasn’t really the shop attendant’s fault, and I didn’t have my machete with me at the time. I had left it at the office.

You guys can go and wear all the outrageously priced clothing accessories you want. As long as they look good and the sight works for my edification, entertainment and pleasure. But a) Don’t tell me how much you paid and b) If you are a shop attendant, and I am asking around, make up a lie. Say something like, “Sorry, sir, these are just for display.” Or, “They make you look fat.” Or even, “White folks only.” Do not tell me to pay that much for a fucking pair of sunglasses.

Look at them.

Actually, they look kind of cool. Maybe I should just go back to the shop…


Savage said…
I have always though the Hummer is an ugly vehicle.It could use the sexiness of the new 2007 Toyota FJ-cruiser.
Anonymous said…
so much for the monetary value,that thing looks like a giagantic toy...that you'd even think twice before you got for your son. Ugly expensive excuse for a fine ride!

*see the 06 Cadillac kidding!
Quillonpaper said…
Great point there Mr. Bazanye, on the Hummer that is... though kinda strong language. True you're in your spaces here at your blog but I'm sure with your writing style you could still find a way of making the same point (that a Hummer in Uganda is truly inapt) with more toned down language. Just a personal opinion; you know u got kid-folk that look up to you and who knows, just myt be reading at your blog too; then we'd have 'em emulating the untoned language style and before you know it, you got more Hummers in Uganda just cuz most of the peeps that own 'em around the world (no offense to good Hum owners) also have a noteriety for untoned language. Else, great blogging mate! If u don't mind, I'mma link you up on mine too.
Anonymous said…
stop frontin' u roc-a-fella bandana wearing, chanel perfume spraying,rap-loving, pizza eating nandos regular! we got yr number!

no, i haven't got issues with this guy, really...i haven't!
Anonymous said…
Savage said…
Quite a storm brewing up in here!

When a man is too pissed, he has the right to cuss. I am sure even the ethics and integrity minister would approve.
Anonymous said…
very good point here Mr Ernest.
I like your style. We met once or twice (don't remember).
Am the husband of a certain songstress you've been praising (with reason!) of recent.
Keep it up with the true language and intensity!
Anonymous said…
I truly don't get it: these hummers look like the cars that come in a Lego kit. I'm sure people only want them because they're expensive... It's all very "look at me!" kind of stuff, but the emperor has no clothes...
On the other hand, get the shades, Baz, get the shades. Then you'll need the machete to fight off the women. Trust me.
Baz said…
zack said: "Watch your mouth, you filthy delinquent!" and then he added, quoting Ice Cube, "This ain't Def Comedy Jam."

Just kidding, Zack. You know I'm just kidding.

@scotchbiscuits. I've just seen the Escalade. Isn't Lil Kim in one of those?

@dennis: Sorry, I am a Kampala boy. I don't even know what a sidi is.

don't_eat_the_blue_ones: In the words of that great poet, If I didn't smell so good, would you still hug me?
Baz said…

Anonymous, bon jour! Tell wifey we are waiting for the concert.

@Kenyanchick: Isn't there a drinking contest you are supposed to be reporting about?
Anonymous said…
Busted! How did you know I was the Writer Formerly Known as Anonymous? Ok, where's Bikozulu? I've been doing my warmups and I'm ready for the drink up. If I win do I get a Hummer? (Or a verbal spanking from Zack? You never know, I might like it.)
Jay said…
You done sold out to the man. Seems only me is holding the Afro fort.
Saadiq said…
i support savage the FJ cruiser is a sexy car...i mean when it comes to cars toyota's are the nokia's of all cars...u cant be switch ure nokia for a samsung,now!!!!!
K8 said…
We've got a couple of those horrific beasts in Kinshasa as well. Not only are they gas-guzzling, self-centred, blindingly coloured monstered, but there's no reasonable place to park them in town!
Anonymous said…
u rock, ernst
lissingmink said…
@zack... shut up!! in the nicest way possible

@baz... i know the feeling of the hummer- but if it is my cheddar, i will do what i damn well please- if it is a hummer i want, then i get.

"Gillette sports roll-on (Cool Wave)... hahahaha didnt see that coming; nice touch

@kc... can i watch too...?*rubbing hands gleefully* the verbal spanking....tee hee

yeah, and what's a sidi?
Anonymous said…
Hi Fellow! I was just searching blogs,and I found yours! I like it!
If you have a moment, please visit my toy dolls mp3 site.
Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Frenchman a.k.a Frank,
Excuse mon Francais. Ce n'est pas exactement ma premier langue, (Je suis Ougandaise et je vis dehors du pais) mais j'etais en train de te chercher parce que je veux fair un profil sur ta femme.

Bon, ca sera dificil de te trouver, mais je vais essayer sur votre site.....Si non, tu peux me dire comment je peut te rejoindre...

Bazanye - I guess its a question of tastes, right? You men sometimes do wierd shit to impress women. I live in TO (Toronto) and quite a few of my neighbours have Hummers - (99% of them men)But then again our roads can handle them. I don't know about UG roads though....

Hummers are really meant to be military cars, but of course rappers started driving them and they became 'cool' and now you have people in narrrow-roaded Ug buying themm too.....

I am sorry but there is nothing sexy about them.....But hey, if people like them, more power to them...

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