The Hip Hop President Part II

Trevor Smith Jr is a rapper who performs under the name Busta Rhymes
James Todd Smith is a rapper who performs under the name LL Cool J
Will Smith is a rapper who performs under the name Will SmithClifford Smith is a rapper who performs under the name Method ManThe reason I give the stage names and the birth names of these gentlemen is to bring it to your attention that rappers tend to be called Smith. Now, as if we needed any more reason to dub Warren Kizza Besigye the hip hop president again, behold:

“In a letter to the EC secretary Sam Rwakoojo, the Bugabula County MP, Moses Kizige, wants an investigation into why Besigye changed the name he used in 1967, Smith W. Besigye, to Kizza Besigye W. S.”

Chicki-chicki-check dis out


Carlo said…
i'm sure a rapper president would be really interesting. just think of all the speeches which wouldn't be full of runyankole or luganda proverbs but deep rhymes instead. oh what a country!

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